Christine Dürschner

As an Shadow World Alchemist, Gameworld Builder, Community Visionary, Christine Dürschner brings Clarity, Love, Transformation and Empowerment into the Space. She builds bridges within you to close the gaps between where you are and what is needed as ressources within yourself to become the Being which you actually are, so that you deliver your gifts into the world. The reason why you are here.

1:1 Session, vor Ort: 1 bis 1.5 Stunden
Spezial RISE UP GATHERING Preis: 70.- CHF/Stunde

+ Emotional Healing
+ Possibility Coaching
+ Own your Shadow-world

Kontakt: +41 79 866 25 59

1. Workshop: Conscious Relating

The art of being intimate.

2. Workshop: Connection Process

A powerful tool to connect with each others Being.